8 April 2024

“Things to Know” Before Your First Psychiatry Appointment

“Things to Know” Before Your First Psychiatry Appointment

“THINGS TO KNOW” BEFORE YOUR FIRST PSYCHIATRY APPOINTMENT We often hear from our patients during their initial visit about how long they’ve been putting off seeing a psychiatry professional out of fear. They also talk about how nervous they were leading up to the appointment. schedule an appointment If you are preparing to attend your first psychiatry appointment, it’s completely normal to feel anxious or nervous. However, being prepared can help to alleviate some of those feelings. It’s commendable that you have taken the first step to schedule an appointment, and it’s important to remember that your psychiatry professional is there to help you. schedule now PRE-APPOINTMENT ANXIETY Pre-appointment anxiety, your anxiety over this first appointment may be causing you to assume the worst or think treatment will be tougher than it is. For instance, you may think you have too many problems to tackle. However, the reality is that your provider will likely focus on just one or two issues, to begin with and move on from there. Being prepared for your first appointment can help you manage your anxiety and nervousness. Learn more Be prepared for your first Psychiatry appointment Before your first appointment, it’s a good idea to come prepared with your medical and psychiatric history. This includes a list of all medications you are currently taking, as well as any psychiatric medications you have taken in the past and for how long. You should also be prepared to discuss your medical concerns, any diagnoses you have received, and any history of psychiatric issues in your family. If you have seen a psychiatry professional in the past, it’s helpful to have a copy of your records or notes about your prior experiences. During your first appointment, your psychiatry professional will likely ask you open-ended questions about why you have come to see them. Don’t worry if you don’t know where to start or feel nervous about sharing your story. They are there to guide you through the interview and help you feel comfortable. You may experience different emotions, such as crying or feeling awkward, while discussing your concerns. This is completely normal, and it’s okay to take your time or let your provider know if a topic is too sensitive to discuss. It’s important to be open and honest so, they can provide you with the best possible care if they fully understand your situation. You may need to discuss sensitive topics such as your sexual history, family relationships, and drug use. While this may be difficult to share, remember that your psychiatry professional is there to help you and provide appropriate treatment. At the end of your appointment, you and your psychiatry professional will work together to create a treatment plan. This may include medication options, psychotherapy, and any recommended labs or test. If you have any questions or concerns about your diagnosis or treatment, be sure to communicate with your provider before the end of the session. After your first appointment, you may want to make notes about things you wish to discuss in more depth in the future or any feelings you experienced during the session. CONCLUSION At times, taking care of our mental health can seem daunting. However, remember that the journey to a better mental wellness starts with a single step. By taking that crucial step and booking an appointment with Journey Psyche, you can start living your best life. Don’t wait any longer, prioritize your mental health today!

“Things to Know” Before Your First Psychiatry Appointment Read More »

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Are You Getting “Cold Feet” About Your First Psychiatry Appointment?

Are You Getting “Cold Feet” About Your First Psychiatry Appointment? Maybe this is a term you’re familiar with when it comes to weddings. It’s what you see on movies when the bride (or groom) backs out at the last minute and runs away to a different life. “Cold feet” is the term loosely used to describe last minute thoughts of “oh, I shouldn’t do this!” associated with feelings of anxiety. Unfortunately, cold feet don’t just happen in rom-coms and weddings. It happens in therapy appointments too! Most often prior to the initial session. It’s a common occurrence among people seeking mental wellness. While it’s natural to feel anxious about starting your mental wellness journey, it’s important to understand why you might be hesitant and address those concerns.  Initially a sense of relief might overcome you. “Whew!” you think… “I don’t really need to focus on my mental wellness anyway.” “Sure, it might have been helpful, but I’m sure I’ll be fine without it.” In the following minutes to days, you’ll likely come up with many of these different thoughts to justify not attending the appointment. That still, small voice inside of you knows that you would benefit from seeing a professional, and you’re wondering if you made a mistake to cancel. You’re also confused about why you cancelled. REASONS THAT DRIVE YOU TO CANCEL AN APPOINTMENT​ Here are three possible reasons. Crisis One reason you might cancel your appointment is because the crisis that prompted you to seek help has passed. However, even if things have improved, it’s important to trust your instinct that change is necessary, and that therapy can help you achieve long-term growth and healing. Uncomfortable Another reason you might back out is because you feel embarrassed or worried about judgment from others. But seeking mental wellbeing is a sign of strength, and it’s important to let go of any shame or stigma around mental health. Remember, everyone needs support at some point in their lives, and therapy can be a valuable tool in your journey towards wellness.  Finances Finally, financial concerns can also cause people to cancel their therapy appointments. While therapy can be costly, it’s important to view it as an investment in your well-being. You are worth more than any dollar amount, and therapy can help you achieve a happier, healthier life in the long run.  CONCLUSION In summary, if you’ve ever felt hesitant about seeing a professional in mental health, know that you’re not alone. But it’s important to address your concerns and understand that seeking therapy is a positive step towards healing and growth. Trust your instinct, let go of any shame or stigma, and view mental health as a valuable investment in your overall wellbeing.  It is crucial to seek help as early as possible when experiencing any mental health difficulties that won’t go away. Without the ability to cope or process what’s going on, individuals may develop unhealthy habits to get through the day. Over 83% of people who reach out for mental health services usually report better sleep, quality of life, work satisfaction, clarity, focus, better moods, relationships, and self-confidence. See our success stories. After all, it’s not a marriage…       If you’re having “Cold Feet “about making or canceling an appointment, don’t worry. We’re here to help! Simply give us a call at 800-955-0167 or visit our website at www.journeytelepsych.com  and we’ll be more than happy to assist you in any way we can.

Are You Getting “Cold Feet” About Your First Psychiatry Appointment? Read More »